Where should skyui be in load order
Where should skyui be in load order

where should skyui be in load order

Vortex and Wrye Bash are both mod managers with mostly the same functionality, it’s not entirely clear from your post which features you want to use from each. Mator Smash simply lets you turn several single esp files into one esp. Explanation: Both programs do very different things. If you need to reduce the number of active plugins, use Mator Smash BEFORE Wrye Bash. Wrye Bash is optional, but not required to mod your game properly. This can either be done via Windows Explorer, or by dragging and dropping the package into the Wrye Bash window when the Installers tab is open. Packages must first be placed in the Mods\Bash Installers directory.

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  • Where should skyui be in load order