‘Trauma’ is the key word – in Greek, it means ‘wound’, and Max is someone who has never let his fully heal. (It's all in the name.) Nine years have passed since the last game in the series, yet little has changed for its long-suffering protagonist, who remains deeply traumatised by the death of his wife and child. Max Payne has suffered beyond reasonable limits. Max Payne 3, however, has the conviction to reign in the action, imbue it with purpose - the spectacle still sparkles but it also makes sense. Action games continue to inch the dial towards 11, sometimes at the expense of their narrative integrity.
Some might find this too controlling, but in return for your freedom, you’re rewarded with a mature genre piece which is also a finely-realised character study.
Players aren’t at the liberty to roam, to explore, or to shake things up. The gameplay is simple yet satisfying, but it’s entirely in the service of a strongly-authored narrative. Max Payne 3 is a different type of proposition. THE VERDICT- There are plenty of games which are celebrated for their gameplay but lack anything in way of story or character.